Welcome Mr. Pena and Congrats to Ms. Reyes!


Our October 2015 PTA meeting was last Friday 10-16-2015 – there was a terrific turnout of parents and staff – and we took a moment to welcome our new Dean of Students Mr. Pena and congratulate Ms. Reyes on her promotion to Principal.

It was a terrific start to what we know is going to be a terrific year.  Go 278!

A Letter From Mrs. Guido – Please read (July 2015)

July 2, 2015

Dear Parents of PS/MS 278,

Superintendent Ramirez thinks very highly of our school.  He sees high quality instruction, committed, talented teachers and a school culture that embraces the partnership between the home and school.  Graciously, he acknowledges that this is foremost due to my leadership with the support of my Assistant Principal, Mrs. Lillian Reyes and my team of Charles Reilly, Dean, Jessica Peskie, Literacy Coach, Robert Klein, ESL Coordinator and Shpresa Demiri, Math/Technology Specialist.

He has asked me to partner with PS5, as their Ambassador Principal, to replicate the rigor and some of the programs that we have in place here to support that school.  The upcoming school year will be a busy one for me.  However, please be assured that I am still the principal of PS/MS 278.  I will be at PS5 frequently during the school year.  Mrs. Reyes will be Acting Principal when I’m not in the building and she will be supported by the same team.  Nothing will change except you will not see my smiling face daily, which might make some people happy!  However, I will be here at 278 some part of every week.  I am hoping that this partnership will also bring together the parent communities.  You have so much to offer and I’m sure they have much to share and learn as well.

I hope you will join me in embracing this new challenge.  As I told the Superintendent, The Paula Hedbavny School is my first child. I would never take on anything that would jeopardize what we have accomplished and continue to work to achieve.  However, this is also a way for me to step back and watch “my baby” flourish as I approach the end of my career.  Please be assured that when I am not here I am an email away.  Just in case you don’t have it, it is www.mguido2@schools.nyc.gov.

Have a wonderful summer.  See you in September.

Maureen Guido

Mrs. Brady is honored as a Fellow in The Academy for Teachers!





Loretta Brady, a teacher at the Paula Hedbavny School, was inducted this year as a Fellow into The Academy for Teachers and selected to participate in a Master Class with singer, composer, activist, and multiple Grammy Award-winner Rubén Blades. It was held in the Library of the New-York Historical Society.


The Academy for Teachers Master Classes bring exceptional teachers together with leading intellectuals, scientists, and creative artists for a day of high-level instruction and inspiration. They are hosted by the city’s great institutions, which join The Academy in demonstrating that teachers deserve the time and attention of our culture’s best and brightest.


“Only 18 teachers are chosen for each Master Class,” said Sam Swope, president of The Academy for Teachers.


“Being selected is a well-deserved honor for both teacher and school.”

Teachers invited to attend Master Classes exhibit passion for their subjects, creativity in their classrooms, and devotion to their students. Educators often describe Master Classes as one of the highlights of their careers. Ms. Brady called the class “magical, phenomenal, and inspirational” and said the entire day was “utterly thoughtful, thorough, and very welcoming for participants to contribute and feel open to sharing.”



Sam Swope

President, The Academy for Teachers


278 Celebrates Spring in Style!

IMG_0411On 06/10, 278 celebrated spring in style – the classes that performed at the Spring Concert this year were:

  1. 201 301 302 601(9am) 602 (1230pm)
  2. Ms. Anne Shikany’s Middle School SE
  3. Violins
  4. 278 Band
  5. Kiata Lizardo, choreographer Dance Team
  6. RVR Dance Team
  7. 278 Chorus Soloists ———–
  8. Ariel Moscat
  9. Jurnee Sims
  10. Graham Leonardo


Let’s READ 278! Take a look at these terrific reading resources!

Parents and Families, Here is the link to NYC Reads 365 (a great new DOE reading resource


At the bottom of the page there are recommended book lists per grade There are additional resources for parents as well; activities to promote reading at home, reading tips in different languages and other great resources.

ALSO, Mrs. Peskie and the teachers have created a 278 recommended reading booklist by grade. The middle school was a combined list since a lot of teachers and students were recommending the same books. Take a look at both of these terrific resources. Both will also be posted to the website announcements section and to the literacy corner. Thanks and happy reading!!

Texting Notice – please read!

We regret to inform you that the current company we are using for our 278 texting program is going out of business at the end of March. Please be patient as we seek out alternate possibilities and import our data over to begin with a new company.

Lamentamos informarle que la empresa actual que estamos utilizando para nuestro programa de mensajes de texto 278 va a la quiebra a finales de marzo. Por favor, sea paciente mientras buscamos posibilidades alternativas e importamos nuestros datos a través de comenzar con una nueva empresa.


Danielle M. Floyd


3rd Annual Family Fun Night!

Family Fitness Night of FUN was Friday, March 20, 2015 Everyone joined their friends and their families for an evening of Family Fitness Fun and Dinner!

Fun Fitness Classes taught by expert coaches:

  • HIP HOP in the auditorium
  • Martial Arts in the tech room
  • Yoga in the library
  • Just Move with Ms. Meredith! Outside the cafeteria
  • Rugby in the gym

Free Dinner Brought to us by Chipotle!

Click here to see all the pictures!


Movie Night – Mr. Peabody & Sherman

Movie Night at 278 02/15

IMG_7643Our first family movie night of the school year was Friday, February 6th at 6pm. This year, the feature presentation (drums rolling)…was Mr. Peabody & Sherman. this event a huge success and a great way to beat the winter blues.  Thanks to all the volunteers who pitched in and for the school administration and staff for their support!


Shoparoo for 278!

Earn money for the 278 and our school From Everyday Purchases

Snap pictures of your receipts from any store, big or small, that sells grocery items to earn Roo Points (cash donations) for your school. Whether you’re shopping at a supercenter, dollar store, or local convenience store – it doesn’t matter where you shop or what items you buy – Shoparoo will make a cash donation for every receipt! Submit up to 20 grocery receipts within a rolling 7 day period.

Here is the website with more info and some examples of grocery retailers. Thanks and happy shopping!



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