Note from Ms Velazquez APRIL 17, 2020

Dear PS/MS 278 Families,

While at a distance, you and our students’ health and well-being continue to be at the forefront of our minds this week:

— To our graduating students, our staff are continuing to think about you and plans are in the works to honor and celebrate you during this important milestone. Ms. Sanchez, Mr. Irizarry, and I look forward to joining the 8th grad classes next week. We understand the loss you are feeling and planning for you is one of our highest priorities!

— To our parents, parenting is never easy but we’re all facing new challenges ourselves. If your children are acting out, it’s entirely normal! Their feelings of stress, anxiety, and loss are just as real as ours, though may manifest itself in very different ways (e.g. refusing to eat anything but macaroni and cheese or fighting with siblings). Child Mind Institute is offering parenting workshops tailored to COVID 19 through Facebook live. The topics range from self-care, to supporting with remote learning, to behavior management. They have recorded webinars as well as workshops every day at 10am and then 4:30pm:

–To any families needing support connecting to any social services, please continue to reach out to us! Attached is an excellent resource for accessing support for a wide range of topics including affordable housing, domestic violence, food banks, health care, immigration services, and utilities.

— Starting Monday, we’ll kick off our 278 Spirit Week with “Morale Monday.” Show us how you are supporting and shouting out our first responders, healthcare, and other service workers! To participate and get directions, join our “#We Love 278 Self-Care” Google Classrooms.” Here is a reminder of the Google classroom links:

•Students in Grades K-2: hh3lano
•Students in Grades 3-5: kpqcdw6
•Students in Grades 6-8: cff375a

Additionally, I wanted to provide you with an overview of how our remote learning has evolved and next steps we are taking to be responsive to feedback from students, staff, and families. Our vision for teaching and learning via remote learning aligns with an asynchronous teaching model, meaning teachers post recorded lessons and assignments that students complete at different times. This structure flexibly allows all of our students to access teaching & learning at a time that meets their family’s needs. Thus far, our work has been focused creating a Google Classroom for each class/teacher, improving the organization of the classrooms for easier access to learning materials, and expanding our staff’s electronic “toolkit” to provide recorded instruction to support student’s ability to complete aligned tasks. The next critical phase to this work is to ensure all classes also have “live” teaching and learning experiences as a supplement to the asynchronous model. These live experiences include teacher office hours and opportunities for targeted small group or individual instruction, as needed.

In closing, you must know that we really miss you. We miss seeing the “spark”, when the lightbulb clicks on and one of our kids understands something they’ve been struggling with. We miss the laughter in our hallways and the messy fun that is recess. And we miss being able to share a quick hug, high-five, or smile of encouragement. We continue to look for ways to replicate these experiences during the school closure and are grateful for your continued partnership!

Be well,

Bryanna Velazquez

New NYC DOE Survey

Please complete by Friday, March 20, 2020

Remote Learning Device Request

To help students stay connected during emergencies, the DOE is lending internet-enabled iPads to support remote learning for students.
The DOE will use the contact information you provide to get in touch with you to discuss when and where you can pick up a device.
Please, complete the survey (link below) by TODAY FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2020.

or call 718 – 935 -5100 and choose option 5.

Remote Learning UPDATE

Dear PS/MS 278 Community,

Thank you for your support of our students and the school community at large. I write to share with you plans that are presently tentative, but will soon be solidified to provide you direction in supporting your children as we begin remote learning on Monday, March 23, 2020.

Here is a quick update on what we are working on thus far:

1. Our staff has already begun working diligently on setting up instructional plans for remote learning. Please keep in mind all communication will be sent through Jupiter Ed, Google Classroom, or Shutterfly depending on your child’s teachers.

2. Teachers will send assignments and suggested activities for your child to complete on a weekly basis starting Monday. Additionally, teachers and staff will be available by email/ Jupiter messages during school hours to answer student’s questions as well as give feedback to assignments. Teacher’s will directly communicate with families about next steps.

3. A survey was sent to parents to determine if technology is available at home for students to use.. The Department of Education is expected to provide laptops or iPads to students who are in need. –

-Technology was distributed according to the survey results on Thursday March 19.
-If you still need assistance accessing technology, please contact Ms. Gonzalez on Jupiter. Remaining resources will be distributed on a need based first come first served basis.
-If you need assistance troubleshooting and navigating access to Jupiter, please email Ms. Demiri (

4. For students with Special Needs with upcoming IEP meetings, teachers and service providers will be in touch regarding scheduling conferences.
– If you have questions regarding your child’s IEP please email Ms. McManus (

5. Grab & Go Meals continue to be available at the front entrance from 7:30am – 1:30pm for the remainder of this week.
-After Friday March 20, food will continue to be available to all students in need throughout the district.

6. We continue to encourage everyone to continue to utilize proper sanitary practices. We must all do our parts to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus, and to ensure that our children will have consistent opportunities to excel during these challenging times.
– If you have questions regarding COVID19, visit for all up-to-date information regarding schools and learning during this time.
– If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Irizarry on Jupiter.

We are committed to supporting all families throughout these next few weeks. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to staff members if you have further questions- email and Jupiter messaging will be the best mode of contact.

Thank you all for your continued support.

Ms. Sanchez

School Closed for the remainder of 2019-20 school year

Remote learning through the end of the school year

Free Meals and Instruction Update

Dear PS/MS 278 Families,

As you are aware, the mayor’s announced key changes for how our school will be operating during the time of the coronavirus pandemic. While specific policies and guidelines will be evolving from the Chancellor’s Office in the coming days, I wish to communicate several things of large importance to our PS/MS 278 community.

First, grab and go will be available from 7:30 AM – 1:30 PM at our main entrance for any student who needs breakfast and lunch.

Secondly, school buildings are now projected to remain closed through the end of the school years. Updates related to this timeline will be communicated from the mayor and will be available on the DOE website.

In addition, the DOE, as a system, is moving towards a new remote learning model for all school days missed during this time. For one week (Tuesday, March 17 – Thursday, March 19), teachers and support staff will be engaging in professional development and prepare to provide this instruction remotely to students.

Finally, the DOE will also be supporting us to ensure students who need it, will be able to have access to technology necessary or remote learning. More guidelines to families and schools from the central office will be sent this week.

In the meantime, the DOE has already begun posting ​learning resources for students in grades Pre-K through 12; they are currently available online at These are supplementary learning resources to help you encourage student learning while they are at home this week and for any past absences. More information about remote learning, meals, and other core services will be made available for families at

Please know that we will remain in contact with you as we receive updates through this process. Tomorrow, I will also be releasing contact information for key staff members where you can direct your individual questions. We are grateful for all of your support as we navigate these unprecedented transitions.

Take care,

Bryanna Velazquez

PSMS 278 has Talent


Bring your friends and family to help celebrate our Talented School Community!

The Show begins at 5 pm (auditorium doors open at 4:40), but food and fun begins at 4pm!

Suggested Donation is $5/person, but give
what you can; All proceeds will help fund
next year’s Performing Arts at 278.

Career Day 2020

Career Day 2020

Wednesday, January 29th, 2020

What is Career Day?

On Career Day we schedule visits from officials, civil servants, local business, theater, arts, science, and medical professionals – just to name a few!) to speak, present, perform, or do an activity with students about their careers. Guest Speakers are scheduled in all grades K-8. We encourage parents to look into your network of friends, family, and colleagues to invite them to present to our students. (Our teachers have also been wonderful reaching into their networks to find us exciting guests.)

Career Day is a full and exciting day for our children as many periods of their day are filled with guest presentations. It is a fun day for parents who are able to present and share their time in their child’s school. It is also a terrific day for parents who choose to help with the hospitality in the Library. We keep a light food service going all day for our guests and chit chat with them when they are between presentations… feels like a party! (although we are working very diligently). It is also a great day for parents even if you cannot come to the school – the kids will have so much to tell you when they get home – you can’t escape Career Day!

Career Day is a wonderful day to choose to give of your time to support the children. There is something for everyone at Career Day!

Thank you for your attention and for helping to make Career Day another super special day!

To register, please use the following links:
Career Day Guest Speaker Registration

Career Day Hospitality Volunteer Registration

Registration will run from Monday, November 25th until Friday, December 20th. Guest Speaker and Hospitality Registrations are greatly appreciated within this registration period.

Mulch-O-Mania 2019

Thank you parents, students and alums who helped unloading and spreading mulch on Saturday morning, November 23. Beautiful, healthy and fresh mulch was dropped off by the New York Restoration Project and we set down a healthy bed of compost and wood chips for our trees out front and out back of the school. Many hands made light work! 

High School Fair

Thursday, October 24 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm

PSMS 278 is hosted a High School Fair in cooperation with Mott Hall. It was an exciting event. We would like to thank all the participating schools, the alumni students who participated in our panel as well as the 7th and 8th Grade students who attended with their parents. What a successful event!

The PTA of PSMS 278 Needs YOU!

parents of 278

We are back to school and it is terrific to see our children so excited to see their teachers and friends and continue with their love of learning at 278. Did you know that as a parent, guardian or teacher at 278, you are automatically a member of our PTA?

The PTA of PSMS 278 is dedicated to ensuring the education of the whole child so all our children can reach their full potential. Keep an eye out for our Be Thankful Fall Membership drive.

This year, we have committed to spending more than $60,000 in support of our children’s academic, arts, and athletic activities. We will also be hosting a variety of community building events. Our suggested donation for the year is only $10 per student. But of course, every dollar is important, so please consider giving a monthly recurring donation of $10 per month!

PSMS 278 is known for its incredibly active and involved PTA and parent community and we look to each incoming parent body to replace (and exceed) the generosity of our outgoing parents.

Ways to Give:

  • Send cash or check (payable to the PTA of PSMS278) in an envelope marked “PTA Giving” to school with your student.
  • Go to the DONATE page and click the “Paylite” or “Zelle” for electronic giving options which allow you to make a one-time contribution or schedule a recurring donation ($10/month)

Did you know that the more active parents are in their children’s schools and education, the better their kids do in school?

The PTA of PSMS278 Inc. is a 501c3 organization (EIN #27-2675233) so your gift is tax deductible! If your company matches gifts, please email to talk about those options!

Situation Project

“Situation Project is on a mission to stimulate and expand the imaginations of students in local communities by increasing their access to arts & culture experiences.” 278 is partnering with this incredible organization so that our middle school students can experience Broadway shows for free!

“Situation Project raises awareness about the many benefits of an arts-rich education for the leaders of tomorrow and increases their access to cultural experiences. They work with New York City public schools, leading arts & culture institutions, and corporate partners to provide immersive and educational programming. Their partners have included Disney Theatricals, Cirque Du Soleil, Google, and more. We also provide organizations with information on how to increase awareness for the arts in their communities.”

Spring Concert! Tuesday, June 18th

Band & Chorus Showcase

Please join us for final Band & Chorus Showcase of the 2018-2019 school year!

Tuesday, June 18th at 6pm in the Auditorium. Our students have worked very hard preparing for this celebration. Please come and enjoy their work.


Performances begin promptly at 6:00pm.



Sat. June 8, 2019

11am to 5pm

@ PS/MS 278 – 421 W. 219 St.

The 10th Annual Spring Fair is coming up Saturday, June 8! The Spring Fair is free to attend. There are tickets sold for activities and rides. There are concessions for sale and there is an awesome raffle to win tons of great prizes! The proceeds from the fair support the PTA of PSMS278. This annual event is a great time to connect with your community while you support the local school. Come one, come all to PSMS278 Spring Fair 2019!


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PS/MS 278 10th Annual Spring Fair

food. music. bouncy house.

nerf battle arena. games.

Slime. face painting. raffles!

FREE Admission!

Calling all 6th and 7th Grade Parents! High School Information Attached!

Here is the link for parents to register for the NYC DOE HS Information session  This session is a great way for 7th parents to get a head start on the HS process and for 6th grade parents to know what to expect for 7th grade.


In this link  parents can scroll down to the google calendar where they can see that some schools (limited) who have started to have their open houses for current 7th graders.


High School

Apply to Round 1 of high school admissions during the fall of a student’s eighth or (first-time) ninth grade year. There is also a Round 2 of admissions in the spring, but there are fewer options. You can enroll in high school anytime during the year at a Family Welcome Center.

Raffle Prize Baskets by Grade

This year we are collecting contributions by grade and theme to create prize baskets for the Spring Fair Raffle. Held on June 8. Please get you doantions in by 5/31.


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