PS/MS 278 Represents at State of District Address

Dax & Ydanis Rodriguez 04.06.2014Sixteeen members of the PS/MS 278 school community attended District 10 Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez’s “State of Northen Manhattan and Marble Hill” address on Sunday afternoon. Several in our group met either the council member or a member of his staff. 2nd grader Dax (pictured with Council Member Rodriguez) took the opportunity to thank Council Member Rodriguez for the computers at our school. Principal Maureen Guido also personally expressed our gratitude for his support of our school and acknowledged our parent representation at the meeting. We thank the members of our school community who shared of their personal time this past weekend to attend the meeting on behalf of our school.

WITS 278 Fieldtrip – L’Apicio Restaurant

Field trip eating pastaOn Friday March 21 – 278 and our WITS Chef Anne took a  Field Trip to L’Apicio in the East Village/Lower East Side to learn more about delicious, good for you foods! Gabe Thompson was there with his chef de cuisine. Everythng went off wonderfully and the students were really impressed. Bon Apetite 278!
Field trip reservation's desk Field trip q and a with Gabe Field trip hanging at the bar Field trip group pix

278 K-4 Dance Performances!

DancingOn Monday March 24th and Wednesday March 26th, the K-4th grade classes – led by our dance instructor from the 92nd Street Y – Ms. Carina – danced and danced danced!  The students worked very hard on their steps and moves – a special thank you to Ms. Carina and all the classroom teachers who support the arts and the 278 dance program!

First Annual Middle School Dance!

photo 3On March 7th, parents, teachers and staff came together to give the 7th and 8th graders a dance to remember!  The food was amazing (as usual- thanks to Carmen and crew) and Richard Tatum provided an amazing light show!  It was certainly a night to remember!


Receipe for Flu Fighting Soup!

Here is a great recipe for Flu fighting soup from our 278 Fitness ExpertJoanne Rhee!

Cabbage is rich in various phytonutrients, which helps support the immune system. They reduce the harmful activities of free radicals and toxins. They also protect cells from the damage caused by carcinogenic agents. The vegetable has a compound that helps to regulate cells within the immune system. This boosts the capacity of the immune system to withstand infections and fight diseases.

Ingredients: Cabbage, Potato, Celery, Onion, Soy Milk, Grapeseed Oil, Salt

1. Chopped & Stir-fry
2. Pour soy milk and boil.
3. Add potato and boil.
4. Pureeing with a hand mixer and salt to taste!

Voila!  Flu fighting, immunity boosting and delicious creamy soup is ready!

WITS Bits – Chef Anne – Ginger and Kale Salad Recipe!

On Thursday, 11/07 – Chef Anne and the third graders made Ginger and Kale salad – a huge hit.  Take a look at the recipe attached and happy eating!


2 bunches kale, stemmed and rinsed

¼ cup apple cider vinegar

½ orange juiced

1 Tbl. Honey

1 ½ tsp. soy sauce

1 tsp. granulated ginger or 1 Tbl. Grated fresh ginger

¼ cup olive oil

Cut or tear kale into bite size pieces

In a bowl large enough to hold the salad, mix all the remaining ingredients. Whisk or stir until thoroughly combined.

Add kale. With hands, massage the kale and the dressing until the kale begins to soften slightly.

Can be served immediately or will hold until the next day.

Serves 6

Wellness Walking Groups! Come Join the fun!


Wellness Walking Group

Dear Families,

Please participate in a NEW, free, PS/MS 278 Wellness Council program “Wellness Walking Group,” for parents and caregivers each Monday and Friday at 8:10am.


Where: After morning drop-off, meet at the front doors of our school on West 219th Street. We walk over to Columbia University’s Baker Field track together for a few healthy laps.

When:  Monday and Friday mornings

Time:    8:10am

Why:     Lots of great reasons! To jump start a healthy week! To feel good! Because it is really fun!

Who:     All are welcome – moms, dads, caregivers, relatives, friends, and school staff. Strollers and small children too!

How: Whenever you can, meet at school front doors at 8:10am on Monday and/or Friday. We’ll go from there and walk a few healthy laps together!  Participants walk/run/jog at own pace and for time or number of laps desired.

Tips: Wear comfortable walking shoes or sneakers, and layers are good as the weather cools down. Bring a bottle of water. Columbia University’s Baker Field track has restrooms.

Questions: Please contact Kristin at or stop by the school front doors at 8:10am on Monday or Friday, or contact Parent Coordinator, Angelin Gonzalez at (212) 942-3440, ext. 1100.


Sponsored by PS/MS 278 Wellness Council



Our Gardening Committee had their First Fall Planting!

IMG_1296On Friday November 8th, our 278 Parents and Kids dug up the dirt around the trees on 220th so that the kids could plant the daffodil bulbs around our new tress.  A HUGE thank-you to all of the parents who helped out with the Fall Bulb Planting Event today.  It was super fun and the kids and teachers seemed really into it and appreciative of the opportunity to play in the dirt and experience nature.

Halloween Parade 2013: K to 4 this year!


K-4th graders participating in our annual Halloween Parade on  Thursday 10.31.  What a spooky and spectacular day!

The 4th graders are walking in the parade due to the diligence and hard work of Monica Crawford who started a petition because the 3rd graders did not walk last year due to Hurricane Sandy!  Go 278!


20131018_105521Friday October 18th was a BEAUTIFUL day and the 278 students had a fantastic Walk-A-Thon!  The MS students walked from 8:30-10am and K-5 walked from 10am-11:30am.  The Walk-A-Thon money raised this year will go to restore our beloved 278 Arts programs which had to be reduced due to DOE budget cuts!  Go 278!


CEC Petition – Fight the budget cuts in D6!

District 6, Northern Manhattan has been unfairly targeted by the DOE for years. On top of co-locations we have had received budget cuts totally more than 10 million in less than 10 years. Many times the biggest cuts happening at co-located schools. Very few of the co-locations were community supported and the methods in which OPM/DOE engaged community is questionable. D6 has struggled, our children are better, deserve better and we demand better. We know we have a lot of work to do in Northern Manhattan schools but it begins with the community, in the community. As parents we must dream not just for ourselves but for our children and not allow the DOE to limit their dreams any longer. PLS SIGN this petition an spread the word. We need as much support as possible! After some investigations, much of this is false and we are still being asked to proceed with public hearing in early October before a PEP vote in October. We are not going to accept this and are asking for ALL parents to stand with us as we begin to take back our district and take a stand with against more co-locations in our community. Pls sign and spread the word! Big Thanks from Northern Manhattan!

myON reader instuctions

myON reader is a new digital library with thousands of digital books.  It’s free for the summer and can be accessed anytime, anywhere for individual reading, homework, research and fun!  1-800-864-3899 or go to and click on “The Future in reading” for more information. 

Getting started:

1) Login to

School Name: 278

User Name: (in your homework folder baggie)

Password: (in your homework folder baggie)

2) Take the Interest Inventory

3) Complete the placement test

4) Go to the recommended tab and start reading


Spring Concert – 2013!

IMG_0503Mr. Quinto, Ms. Spence and our parents and students came together on Wednesday, June 12th for a wonderful concert full of music!  Our 278 Chorus, 278 Bank, Violin Ensemble, and classes 101, 301 and 302 gave wonderul performances – take a look at the pictures below and the videos on our Youtube channel!  Special thanks to our 278 community who made this an afternoon to remember!

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