traffic letters double park concerns.docx

April 17, 2019

Dear Parents,

I am writing to address a safety concern affecting our school community. During morning and afternoon drop-off and pick-up W219th and W220th Streets become extremely congested. While we are a zoned school, the peculiarity of our location at the edge of our zones means that we have a substantial number of students who come by bus or car in addition to heavy pedestrian traffic. This combination is jeopardized by the presence of double parked cars.

Double parked cars to drop-off or pickup students impede on the safety of many. Traffic going around the standing cars blocks oncoming traffic in the other direction, which may also be trying to navigate around standing vehicles. Stand-offs ensue until one party yields. Adding school buses to the mix brings traffic to a complete standstill on these blocks during these periods, even after the bus has finished unloading or loading due to oncoming double-parked traffic now blocking its route. Although a school zone, honking often ensues and traffic backs up into Broadway. Additionally, often when drivers see the stopped school bus or any kind of temporary traffic jam ahead, they often perform three point turns on the street to reverse direction. This is hazardous to those walking on the sidewalks or crossing the streets.

I have consulted with our Borough Safety Director Frank Jordan regarding this matter. He has informed me that starting Monday April 29, 2019 the New York Police Department will begin enforcing violations towards double parked and unauthorized parked cars on W219th and W220th Streets. Violating cars will be ticketed and possibly towed.

I know we all want what is best for our children and recognize the priority of safety above all others. I hope I can count on you to do your part to address this concern. Thank you in advance for your continued support.


Lillian Reyes




Dear Parents,

I am writing to address a safety concern affecting our school community. During morning and afternoon drop-off and pick-up W219th and W220th Streets become extremely congested. While we are a zoned school, the peculiarity of our location at the edge of our zones means that we have a substantial number of students who come by bus or car in addition to heavy pedestrian traffic. This combination is jeopardized by the presence of double parked cars.

Double parked cars to drop-off or pickup students impede on the safety of many. Traffic going around the standing cars blocks oncoming traffic in the other direction, which may also be trying to navigate around standing vehicles. Stand-offs ensue until one party yields. Adding school buses to the mix brings traffic to a complete standstill on these blocks during these periods, even after the bus has finished unloading or loading due to oncoming double-parked traffic now blocking its route. Although a school zone, honking often ensues and traffic backs up into Broadway. Additionally, often when drivers see the stopped school bus or any kind of temporary traffic jam ahead, they often perform three point turns on the street to reverse direction. This is hazardous to those walking on the sidewalks or crossing the streets.

I have consulted with our Borough Safety Director Frank Jordan regarding this matter. He has informed me that starting Monday April 29, 2019 the New York Police Department will begin enforcing violations towards double parked and unauthorized parked cars on W219th and W220th Streets. Violating cars will be ticketed and possibly towed.

I know we all want what is best for our children and recognize the priority of safety above all others. I hope I can count on you to do your part to address this concern. Thank you in advance for your continued support.



Lillian Reyes



17 de abril de 2019


Queridos padres,

Estoy escribiendo para informales de una preocupación de seguridad que afecta a nuestra comunidad escolar. Durante la mañana y la tarde, las paradas W 219 y W 220 se vuelven extremadamente congestionadas. Ya que  somos una escuela zonal, la peculiaridad de nuestra ubicación en el borde de nuestras zonas significa que tenemos un número considerable de estudiantes que vienen en autobús o en automóvil, además del tráfico peatonal. Esta combinación se ve comprometida por la presencia de carros  doble estacionado.

Los autos estacionados en doble fila para dejar o recoger estudiantes impiden la seguridad de muchos.  Los carros que giran alrededor de los autos estacionados bloquea el tráfico que viene en la otra dirección, los que también puede estar tratando de navegar alrededor de los vehículos estacionados. Los enfrentamientos se producen hasta que una de las partes cede. Agregar los autobuses escolares a la mezcla hace que el tráfico se detenga por completo en estos bloques durante estos períodos. Incluso después de que el autobús haya terminado de descargarse o cargarse debido a que el tráfico de doble estacionamiento que se aproxima ahora está bloqueando su ruta. Aunque se trata de una zona escolar, a menudo se produce un toque de bocina y el tráfico llega hasta  Broadway. Además, a menudo, cuando los conductores ven el autobús escolar detenido o cualquier tipo de atraso de tráfico temporal por delante, realizan giros de tres puntos en la calle para cambiar de dirección. Esto es peligroso para quienes caminan en las acera o cruzan las calles.

He consultado con nuestro Director de Seguridad del Condado, Frank Jordan, sobre este asunto. Me informó que a partir del lunes 29 de abril de 2019, el Departamento de Policía de Nueva York comenzará a imponer violaciones  contra los autos que estén estacionados  en doublé fila y no estén autorizados, en las calles W219th y W220th. Los carros violando las reglas se les darán una multa  y posiblemente serán remolcados.

Sé que todos queremos lo mejor para nuestros niños y reconocemos la prioridad de la seguridad por encima de todos los demás. Espero poder contar con ustedes y trabajar juntos en este asunto y  preocupación.

Gracias de antemano por su continuo apoyo.



Lillian Reyes




Thank You Chefs and Volunteers!

278 Small Bites Community Dinner

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thank you Chefs and Volunteers!

The PTA wants to thank all those who volunteered, donated or contributed to the Small Bites effort during Parent Teacher Conferences this week. The event went well and we appreciate your help and support!

Family Movie Night: February 8

Friday, February 8, 2019
6pm in the Auditorium
Doors open for refreshments and entertainment at 5:30pm
Bring the whole family to enjoy A Wrinkle in Time, a delicious hot dog and some yummy popcorn*!
Admission: FREE
PARENTS – You are expected to stay with your children – This is NOT a drop off event!
*All the funds raised by the PTA for concession sales during  “Movie Night” go to support various events for our students.



Walk-a-thon Donations Due: Friday, Oct 26

DONATE TODAY! Time is running out to turn in your donations!!!

Every year PSMS 278 students and teachers solicit pledges from the community and this year we walked the Lower Soccer Field in Inwood Hill Park on Friday, October 12.

Please support your student with a pledge for their walk.

Our goal is $20,000. We need this money in order to fund:

  • 92nd Street Y dance (formerly funded by DOE)
  • Elementary school choir
  • Middle School Choir

Turn in Donations today!


Friday, October 12

Inwood Hill Park

Lower Soccer Field




Four easy ways to collect pledges:

All donations are tax deductible and go right back to the kids at PS/MS 278

The highest dollar amount in pledges in grades K-8 will win a prize.

PLEASE NOTE: All pledges must be collected by October 26 to be eligible for prizes.

Community Dinner – Donate Time or Food!



Thursday, November 15th

Calling All Chefs and Volunteers!

The PTA of 278 will be holding our annual “278 Community Dinner during our Parent Teacher Conferences. Dinner AND bake sale during the evening sessions. Grab dinner with your 278 friends and support our school at the same time! Stay and eat, or take a container home “to go”.

Cost is $5 per person


 Chefs – please make your favorite dish!! We need entrée’s, sides AND deserts! 

(Examples: Baked Chicken, Ziti, Lasagna, Casseroles, Rice & Beans, Potato Salad, etc. OR Cookies, Cakes, Cupcakes, brownies etc.)

 Volunteers  We need help at the school on November 15th starting at 2:30pm through 8:00pm. This includes community dinner set up, bake sale set up, dinner serving, clean up, etc. (Any time that you can give is greatly appreciated!)

Please contact Amanda Sullivan if you have any questions.


High School Process Resources/Update!

Below are a couple links to videos that explain certain aspects of the high school process.  Also, the school will be in touch soon regarding 278’s Annual High School Fair as well as two other training/informational sessions regarding the high school process.

Remember to check Jupiter often for messages and announcements!

Dr. Mateo and the 278 Staff are dedicated to helping us and our children through this process!  Feel free to reach out to Dr. Mateo if you have any questions.  Her e-mail address is:  Mateo Amina (06M278)” <>, but she loves phone calls as well.  The number is:  917-521-2060.  Call and set up an appointment!

1)    How Students Get Offers to New York City Public Schools

2)      Middle and High School Admissions: How Students Get Offers to Screened Schools

Disney’s Lion King KIDS

Thanks to everyone who joined up for an inspiring evening at school!

Friday, January 26 at 6pm members of the 3rd, 4th & 5th grade in Ms. Kauffman and Mr. Guillford’s SEM class presented their musical, Lion King KIDS.

All Tickets $2 (ages 2 and up)

Join Simba, Nala, Rafiki, Zazu and countless other charming Disney characters in a 30-minute adaptation of the Broadway musical. Doors open at 5:30pm for the sale of raffle tickets and concessions to support the program.


Literacy specialist, Cynthia Guilarte, will demonstrate an interactive read aloud to explain ways to support growth and development of reading skills, and progression across grades.

Wednesday January 17, 5:30-6:30  School library. Childcare, dinner and translation is provided.  Stay around for our monthly PTA meeting.


This Saturday, January 13 a series of workshops for parents entitled Positive Adult Role Models from 9:00AM to 11:00AM in the library.  This is a series of workshops to help guide parents on positive ways to model discussions with your children about their changing bodies, building healthy relationships, and healthy mind-body care.

Workshops will be held every Saturday through January, and in February and March we will have yoga, and zumba.  All are welcome, bring a friend, join the discussion.   A flyer was sent home with your student.

Wellness Council and Saturday Workshops

The School Wellness Council meets monthly and is open to all. Please drop in at any point, learn what is going on and  become part of the team!

Saturday workshops 9-11:00!!!  Please come to learn and discuss child development, puberty from experts.  We all need guidance and support.

For more information contact Sarah Townley at 917-674-2830

School Wellness Council.  Come help us continue to plan and support health and wellness in our school.  All are welcome, Parents, teachers, students.

Wellness Events!

PS/MS 278 School Wellness Council Upcoming Events:

Thursday, November 2 at 8:15am at Allen Hospital

“FOOD and MOOD” discussion

Walk and Talk: come learn and practice English or Spanish through conversation while walking with fellow parents and caregivers  

Every Friday 8:10AM

meet in front of the school on 219th street



Tuesday November 13, 2017 @ 2:30-3:30 Room 209

Parents, teachers, students all welcome to join




Traffic on 219th & 220th

Parents who attended the Mon, Sept 11 CB12 Transportation Committee meeting reported back to the membership during the Sept 20th PTA Meeting. 

The Car Wash showed up with a traffic expert and a lawyer and declared “the school was the problem.” Further consideration for the proposal will be considered at next month’s meeting. Please mark Monday, October 2nd at 7 pm in your calendar at 530 West 166th Street, 6th Floor. We should show our support for the existing proposal being considered to change traffic patterns surrounding our school. 


For the last couple years, a group of school parents has been trying to get DOT to do something about the streets around the school. While we did improve the light timing at 220th a while back, 219th and 220th streets continue to be a mess during drop-off and pick-up. With the support of the principals of PS 18 and PS278, we requested that DOT change 219th and 220th to one-way streets, in order to better deal with the rampant double-parking that clogs the streets in both directions and causing much unnecessary horn honking, U turns and other unsafe conditions. We also asked for speed bumps and a signal at 219th. Double parking on each side with a single one-way travel lane in the middle will work better than double parking on each side with one travel lane being fought over by cars going in opposing directions.

DOT looked at the situation and said “you’re right, this is silly, every other side street in residential Inwood is one-way so this should be too, we agree.” But then the Car Wash went ballistic over the minor change to their oil-change queue (they line up on W220th headed west and use it as parking for waiting oil-change customers), and they did a full-court press on DOT with lawyers, employees, etc. crying how important and great the car wash was and how they help the police and the hospital and provide jobs and that they should not only not go to one-way but they should remove parking for extra car wash queuing space. Because of course the #1 traffic jam creator in upper Manhattan after La Marina and PJs should be treated with kid gloves instead of, say, the 900 actual kids impacted by dangerous street conditions and stuck sitting on buses.  

So DOT spent the last summer doing more studies and revising their proposal. It consists of one way streets, the elimination of some parking spots and designated parking for our school teachers. 

If any parents are interested in this situation and would like to see one-way streets enacted, please attend this meeting if you can. The car wash is sure to be present and the community board will be pressured by them if they are the only ones in the room.

Mrs. Guido’s Retirement Letter to the 278 Family

Dear Parents and Guardians of PS/MS 278,

As you are aware I have been the Ambassador Principal at PS 5 for the last two years. It has been my joy to be able to watch as my team headed by Mrs. Lillian Reyes, Acting Principal and Mr. Charles Reilly, A.P. continue the vision, policies and programs that I put in place over the years since the school first opened in 2004.  While I have always been there as a support and guide, the day to day running of the school has been left in their very capable hands.  It is now time for me relinquish my role as principal and begin a new chapter as a retired administrator.

As of July 1, 2017 I will end my career as your principal and that of PS 5. It has been my honor to serve the children of District 6 and work with a superb group of principals under the leadership of Mr. Manuel Ramirez, D6 Superintendent.  We have learned together over the years to be strong advocates for children.

Most certainly, I will miss the students. Most of your children began with me in kindergarten and it has been exciting to watch them grow and learn.  The wonderful teachers, many of whom began with me in the early years, have set high expectations and provided rigorous instruction for your children. However, one of the most important aspects of The Paula Hedbavny School has been the culture of partnership we have shared.  At 278 the parent culture has always been, “how can we help”?  I hope that you will always continue to support Mrs. Reyes and Mr. Reilly with that commitment.  It is important for new parents to be as supportive and giving of their time as those parents who have been in the school for several years.  Administration, parents, teachers and students all working together is the magic of our school.

PS/MS 278 has been a gift to me. Thank you for allowing me to provide the kind of education that is traditional in academic rigor but creative to include the arts, enrichment clusters, support for healthy lifestyles and embracing other cultures.  It has grown into a special place and one that I’m am very confident will continue under the direction of Mrs. Reyes and supported by Mr. Reilly and the entire instructional team.  They have great plans for the future with laser focus on your children’s success.

It has been my honor to serve as your principal. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity of spirit, time and care of what was affectionately referred to as “the car wash school” so many years ago and now one of the best schools in the city.  If you ever need me the school will know how to get in touch with me.




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